The Ultimate Sacrifice:
Ajit V Bhandarkar's Last Operation

Ajit V Bhandarkar’s unwavering dedication and bravery were exemplified in his final mission, the Faizalabad Operation, where he made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. This page is dedicated to recounting the heroic details of the operation in which he gave his life to protect our nation.

The Mission
Faizalabad Operation: 30 Oct 1999

  • Location: Faizalabad village, Poonch district, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Objective: Eliminate five hardcore militants hiding in the village

The Operation
Preparation and Initial Action

  • Unit Involved: 25 Rashtriya Rifles (RR) deployed in Poonch district
  • Leadership: Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar
  • Intelligence: Received inputs about the presence of militants in Faizalabad village
  • Plan: Launch a cordon and search operation to eliminate the militants


  • Initial Contact: The operation commenced with a cordon and search in the suspected area.
  • Militants’ Escape: Lt Col Ajit spotted militants escaping towards a nullah (a narrow watercourse).
  • Chase and Confrontation:
    • Lt Col Ajit chased and shot down one militant at point-blank range.
    • A second militant, hiding inside the nullah, fired indiscriminately, grievously injuring Lt Col Ajit.
    • Despite his injuries, Lt Col Ajit continued his pursuit, lobbed a grenade, and crawled forward to eliminate another militant.
    • His actions led to the elimination of three hardcore militants.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Moment of Sacrifice: Lt Col Ajit succumbed to his injuries sustained during the operation and was martyred.

Recognition: For his act of courage and supreme sacrifice, Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar was awarded the “Shaurya Chakra” posthumously.

Ajit V Bhandarkar’s last operation stands as a testament to his courage and dedication. His sacrifice is a poignant reminder of the bravery exhibited by those who serve our country. His legacy continues to inspire future generations of soldiers and citizens alike.